What is animal osteopathy?
Animal osteopathy is a very diversified discipline which aims to prevent or treat functional disorders of the animal's body. It's a medicine exclusively manual which allows a global care of the animal by performing various non-invasive techniques and manipulations.
Often described as "an art, a science and a philosophy», osteopathy is based on an excellent anatomical and physiological knowledge and biomechanics of the body of the different species treated. The philosophy surrounding osteopathy allows us to apprehend the living through a prism of unity of structures and their function. Osteopathy helps the body to find a better balance and often gives it the little push it needs to regain its self-healing capacities (its homeostasis). A good knowledge of the different systems of the body as well as their interactions allows us to approach the living in its globality, lifting all mobility restrictions that hinder the proper functioning of the body.
Animal osteopathy has a very wide field of action and is aimed at all animal species, none is left behind. Osteopathic support therefore aims to improve the health, the welfare animals and in some cases, improve its athletic ability and performance.
Animal osteopathy, a regulated profession
Following the decree of April 21th 2017, animal osteopathy is regulated by the Code rural et de la pêche maritime (CPMR) on the same basis as veterinarians. To practice the profession, the practitioner must be registered in the Registre National d'aptitude (RNA). This register is maintained by the Conseil National de l'Ordre des Vétérinaires (CNOV). Once recognized by the CNOV on completion of two examinations (theoretical and practical), the osteopath obtains an OA number and can thus launch his practice.
Photo credit: Mélissa Delalande Photography